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Cele mai bune finanțări europene pentru digitalizare și dezvoltarea de platforme IT

În ultimii ani, Uniunea Europeană a investit masiv în tehnologie și digitalizare, oferind diverse oportunități de finanțare prin programe și fonduri specifice.

1. Programul Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe este principalul program de cercetare și inovare al UE, cu un buget uriaș de aproximativ 95,5 miliarde de euro pentru perioada 2021-2027. Programul are mai multe piloni, dintre care unul este dedicat digitalizării și inovării tehnologice. Acesta sprijină proiectele care vizează dezvoltarea de tehnologii emergente, inteligență artificială, internetul obiectelor (IoT) și alte soluții IT avansate.

Puncte cheie:

  • Se adresează în special universităților, centrelor de cercetare și companiilor.
  • Proiectele trebuie să aibă un impact semnificativ la nivel european.
  • Finanțare nerambursabilă pentru cercetare și dezvoltare tehnologică.

2. Digital Europe Programme

Digital Europe este un program dedicat în întregime digitalizării, cu un buget de 7,5 miliarde de euro pentru perioada 2021-2027. Acesta se concentrează pe implementarea de tehnologii digitale în toate sectoarele economiei și societății.

Puncte cheie:

  • Sprijină proiectele de infrastructură digitală, cloud computing, AI și securitate cibernetică.
  • Încurajează colaborarea între entități publice și private.
  • Are cinci obiective principale: supercomputing, AI, securitate cibernetică, competențe digitale avansate și implementarea tehnologiilor digitale în economie și societate.

3. Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

CEF este un alt program european care sprijină dezvoltarea de rețele și infrastructuri digitale, cu un buget de 33,71 miliarde de euro pentru perioada 2021-2027. Acesta are o componentă digitală dedicată infrastructurilor digitale transfrontaliere.

Puncte cheie:

  • Finanțare pentru proiecte de rețele de bandă largă de mare capacitate, platforme de servicii digitale și infrastructuri de date.
  • Promovează conectivitatea transfrontalieră și interoperabilitatea între statele membre.
  • Sprijină inițiativele care contribuie la piața unică digitală a UE.

4. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

ERDF este un fond structural și de investiții al UE care sprijină dezvoltarea regională, inclusiv prin proiecte de digitalizare. În perioada 2021-2027, o parte semnificativă a bugetului ERDF este alocată digitalizării întreprinderilor și administrațiilor publice.

Puncte cheie:

  • Finanțare pentru IMM-uri care doresc să adopte tehnologii digitale.
  • Sprijină modernizarea administrațiilor publice prin implementarea soluțiilor IT.
  • Proiectele sunt gestionate la nivel regional, în funcție de prioritățile locale.

5. InvestEU

InvestEU este un program de finanțare care îmbină diverse fonduri europene într-un singur instrument de investiții, cu un buget de 26,2 miliarde de euro pentru perioada 2021-2027. Programul sprijină investițiile strategice, inclusiv în digitalizare și inovare tehnologică.

Puncte cheie:

  • Oferă garanții pentru împrumuturi și alte instrumente financiare pentru proiecte de digitalizare.
  • Sprijină atât companiile mari, cât și IMM-urile și start-up-urile.
  • Încurajează parteneriatele public-private și investițiile private în sectorul digital.

6. European Innovation Council (EIC)

EIC face parte din Horizon Europe și este dedicat susținerii inovatorilor de top și antreprenorilor care dezvoltă tehnologii de vârf. Programul are diverse scheme de finanțare, inclusiv granturi și investiții de capital.

Puncte cheie:

  • Se adresează start-up-urilor și IMM-urilor inovatoare.
  • Oferă finanțare pentru dezvoltarea și comercializarea tehnologiilor disruptive.
  • Include și un accelerator care sprijină creșterea rapidă a companiilor.


Uniunea Europeană oferă o gamă largă de finanțări pentru proiectele de digitalizare și dezvoltare IT. Alegerea programului potrivit depinde de specificul proiectului, de dimensiunea și tipul organizației solicitante și de obiectivele urmărite. Este esențial să se studieze criteriile de eligibilitate și să se pregătească propuneri solide pentru a beneficia de aceste oportunități.

Sper că aceste informații îți sunt de ajutor și că vei găsi programul potrivit pentru proiectul tău! Dacă ai nevoie de detalii suplimentare despre vreunul dintre programe sau despre cum să aplici, nu ezita să întrebi.

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Polkadot: A Web3 Innovation for Interoperable Blockchains

Polkadot is a next-generation blockchain platform that aims to address the limitations of existing blockchains, particularly in terms of scalability and interoperability. It envisions a decentralized network of blockchains that can seamlessly communicate and exchange data, enabling a more interconnected and unified Web3 ecosystem.

Core Principles and Architecture

The Polkadot architecture consists of three primary layers:

  1. Relay Chain: The heart of the Polkadot network, the relay chain is responsible for relaying transactions, ensuring network security, and maintaining consensus among the parallel blockchains.

  2. Parachains: Individual blockchains that connect to the relay chain and benefit from its security and shared infrastructure. Parachains can be specialized for various purposes, such as DeFi applications, IoT networks, or supply chain management.

  3. Bridges: Mechanisms that connect Polkadot to external blockchains, allowing seamless transfer of data and assets between different blockchain ecosystems.

Unique Features and Benefits

Polkadot stands out for its unique features and benefits:

  1. Interoperability: Polkadot’s cross-chain communication protocol, known as XCM, enables seamless data and asset transfers between parachains and external blockchains. This interoperability fosters innovation and collaboration across different blockchain projects.

  2. Scalability: Polkadot’s unique architecture allows for parallel processing of transactions, enabling the network to handle significantly higher throughput than traditional blockchains. This scalability makes it a suitable platform for large-scale applications.

  3. Security: The relay chain employs a robust consensus mechanism, GRANDPA, which ensures that all parachains are synchronized and follow the same state. This robust security model protects the network from malicious attacks.

  4. Customizable Parachains: Developers can build customized parachains tailored to specific needs, fostering innovation and flexibility within the Polkadot ecosystem.

Applications and Impact

Polkadot’s potential applications extend across various domains:

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Polkadot’s interoperable and scalable infrastructure can support the development of advanced DeFi applications, such as cross-chain lending protocols and decentralized exchanges.

  2. Internet of Things (IoT): Polkadot’s ability to handle data securely and efficiently makes it well-suited for IoT applications, enabling secure and transparent data exchange between connected devices.

  3. Supply Chain Management: Polkadot’s immutable and verifiable nature can enhance supply chain management by providing a secure and transparent record of transactions and assets.

  4. Identity and Access Management: Polkadot can support decentralized identity and access management solutions, enabling users to control and manage their personal data securely.


Polkadot represents a significant advancement in blockchain technology, addressing the limitations of existing blockchains and paving the way for a more interconnected and unified Web3 ecosystem. Its unique features, including interoperability, scalability, security, and customizability, make it a powerful platform for innovation and the development of decentralized applications. As Polkadot continues to evolve and attract developers and projects, its impact on the Web3 landscape is expected to grow significantly.

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7 Reasons Every iPhone User Should Be Worried About the App Store’s 30% Tax

In the last few months, many prominent app developers voiced their disapproval of the App Store policies Apple imposes on all apps. Why should that concern you if you own an iPhone? Here are 7 reasons.

HIGHER PRICES. Apple’s 30% commission makes all apps and digital goods more expensive for you. It goes on top of the price you pay to developers for any services and games you buy on your phone. You pay more for every app, even though Apple already charged you a few hundred dollars more for your iPhone than it cost to make. In short, you keep paying even after you have paid.

CENSORSHIP. Some content in apps like Telegram is unavailable to you because Apple censors what is allowed on the App Store, which it fully controls to enforce the 30% tax. Apple even restricts us – app developers – from telling our users that certain content was hidden for iPhone users specifically at their request. Apple should realize how ridiculous their attempt to globally censor content looks: imagine a web browser deciding which websites you are allowed to view.

LACK OF PRIVACY. In order to install an app from the App Store, you must first create an Apple account and log in using it. After that, every single app you download and every push notification you receive is tied to your account, making you an easier target to track. Since the main reason you have to use an Apple account to download an iPhone app is Apple’s desire to enforce their 30% commission, the cost of their greed also includes your private data.

DELAYS IN APP UPDATES. You get new versions of your apps several days or weeks after they are actually ready, because Apple’s review team is notoriously inefficient and often delays approval for no apparent reason. You would think Apple could use the billions of dollars it receives from third-party apps to hire additional moderators. Somehow they are unable to do even that, and us – big apps like Telegram – typically have to wait several days to publish updates.

FEWER APPS. Apple’s 30% commission on apps goes on top of all the other expenses developers must pay for: government taxes such as VAT (~20%), wages, research, servers, marketing. Many apps would have been net profitable in a world without Apple’s 30% commission, but being forced to surrender 30% of their revenue to Apple makes them unsustainable. As a result, many of them go bankrupt and lots of great apps you could have enjoyed just don’t exist.

MORE ADS IN APPS. Because Apple makes selling premium services and accepting donations one-third less meaningful for developers, many of them have to show ads in their apps in order for their companies to survive. Apple’s policies skew the entire industry towards selling user data instead of letting them adopt more privacy-friendly business models like selling additional services to their users.

WORSE APPS. Billions of dollars are taken from developers who could have otherwise spent those funds on improving the quality of the apps you use every day. Instead, this money rests idly in Apple’s offshore bank accounts and does nothing for the world, while app developers struggle to find resources for the research and development the world needs.

The situation is so bad that one would expect Apple’s 30% cut to be unsustainable. Yet it’s been around for more than 10 years and is still there. (Durov Channel)

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The multiple benefits of using CRM solution, to manage and analyse customer interactions

The multiple benefits of using CRM

One of the benefits of CRM for businesses is the ability to reduce costs and conserve resources. Because automation and centralization are key to the operation of a CRM system, these features can save companies time and money on information management, while freeing up skilled sales, marketing, and support staff for higher-value work.

When you consider all the benefits, there is no doubt that using a CRM can significantly improve any business process. Even better, with each improvement, your customer satisfaction increases, resulting in more new leads and customers. Good CRM functionality can also reduce costs, waste, and complaints (although you may initially see some increases from hearing about things that would have been hidden without a CRM).

CRM is a valuable tool for managing all relationships around your organisation

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a combination of practices, strategies, and techniques that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal is to improve customer service relationships, support customer retention and drive revenue growth. CRM systems collect customer data through various channels or touchpoints between customers and a company, including company websites, phone calls, live chat, direct mail, marketing materials, and social media. CRM systems can also provide customer-facing employees with detailed information about customers’ personal information, purchasing history, purchasing preferences and concerns.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) shows principles, practices, and guidelines. As a result, the organization continues to evolve in its communication with customers. Furthermore, the entire relationship includes direct interaction with the customer. This is why CRM is important for both B2B and B2C companies. For example, sales and service-related processes should be linked to analysis of customer trends and behavior. Ultimately, CRM in the enterprise improves the overall customer experience and performance.

The importance of ongoing CRM maintenance

Finally, don’t underestimate the amount of data your CRM project can generate. Make sure you can expand your system as needed. Carefully consider the data you collect and store to ensure you only keep the information you need. Comply with relevant data protection laws and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

More Data means high-quality Prediction !

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Are tokenized assets the securities of tomorrow? How securities can be tokenized

Tokenized securities can offer new benefits

Tokenized securities provide a new wrapper for known assets to expand markets and improve liquidity. For regulators, this is less a new product than a new distribution channel that is easier to approve.

Companies, investment banks, asset managers, funds, stock exchanges and investment platforms are already benefiting from the possibilities offered by tokenization. The benefits are many: faster processes through digitization, reduced costs and more efficient intermediaries, and global portability. Be one of the pioneers in your industry and take advantage of it today!

Tokenization also has the potential to transform markets, open investment to a wider range of global investors, and foster innovation in new products. It is because of their digital nature that security tokens can represent not only ownership of traditional assets such as publicly traded stocks or bonds, but also traditionally illiquid assets such as private placements, real estate or art.

Securities can be tokenized

Keep in mind that some decentralized exchanges do not trade tokenized stocks. Instead, they trade in something called a “synthetic asset” or “synthesizer.” These are tokens designed to mirror the performance of other assets. But they are not directly related to actual stocks like token stocks.

Another problem is lack of liquidity. Liquidators only guarantee that they will buy the asset if they get a good price and can resell the tokenized asset on the secondary market. In crypto markets, these liquidations can be fully automated. There are still no trading venues that provide sufficient liquidity for digital securities.

In recent years, financial institutions have devoted significant resources to technology projects aimed at turning securities into tokenized assets. A tokenized asset is a digital representation of value or ownership.

Tokenized securities are not legal securities

The SEC claims that all tokenized securities must be registered. Tokenized shares issued without registration are considered illegal. In the past, the agency has taken legal action against Paragon and AirFox tokens for noncompliance.

The bottom line is this: while there may still be some legal grey areas in cryptocurrency regulation in general, this is not the case for tokenized stocks. According to the SEC, these tokens should be regulated like regular stocks. Exchanges that offer trading services for these tokens will likely be subject to the same regulations as traditional broker-dealers.

Tokens issued by companies in lieu of shares have the same properties and functions and are therefore securities. This means they must comply with registration and submission requirements. This has led to a Security Token Offering (STO), which is more or less the same as an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), with the additional caveat that the entity issuing the token acknowledges that the token represents equity, and therefore securities.

Consider tokenization when evaluating a business opportunity.

The first thing you need to do is decide what you want to tag. It is best to choose an asset that already has a significant market because you know the price range and can price the coin correctly. If your property is not very popular and it is difficult to appraise it yourself, consider requesting an appraisal from an accounting firm.
In the traditional financial world, investment barriers can be very high. Think about the amount of investment required to buy a property or art. Through tokenization, we can lower the minimum investment threshold, allowing even small retail investors to diversify their portfolios and gain access to exclusive markets that were previously only available to large investors and far beyond their reach.
The answer to “Is tokenization the future” depends largely on the question of trust. Trust issues are common in tokenization. It is important to note that the creator of the token cannot act as a regulated financial institution. As such, the security of an asset is unlikely to be documented, limiting its effectiveness in court.
Tokenize assets by issuing digital tokens.
If you want to know how to tokenize assets, you first need to understand the role of smart contracts in converting real assets into digital assets. Digital tokens backed by underlying assets are managed and executed using smart contracts. The terms of the agreement between the parties are inserted into lines of code that already exist on the blockchain network, making the smart contract a self-enforcing and self-enforcing contract.
One of the biggest doubts surrounding you right now has to be the definition of asset tokenization. Asset tokenization is basically the process of representing real tradable assets on a blockchain network as tokens. This type of token, also known as a “security token,” is generated through a security token offering or STO (a variation of an initial coin offering). Security tokens can represent financial instruments, tangible assets and intellectual property.
Our goal is to provide a tool to create new pathways and flows in the marketplace by using tokenization as a bridge between real assets and digital business opportunities. We have powerful technology and streamlined processes, so our clients don’t have to worry about how transactions work or the security of transactions, they only need to think about earning passive profits and real performance associated with tokens – Digitization and Tokenization of World Wealth .

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CRM for Startups and why is essential to adapt and organise all processes accordingly

Organise all your startup processes into CRM

Avoid using manual processes. Manual data entries take up too much time and are prone to human error. The best part about CRM systems is that they not only store data in one place but also break down reports into minute details. Therefore, there is an increased scope for accurate data analysis and reporting.

Create custom dashboards and reports or select from one of the pre-made templates to save you time. Preview those reports in real-time, visualize your CRM data any way you’d like, and share reports with ease by sending individual reports to your team members’ email addresses, or automate your reporting emails so they’re sent daily, weekly, or monthly.

Look at where your lead and customer details are currently living. Many startups default to a spreadsheet or a simple sales pipeline template to track leads, prospects and customers. Perhaps you also keep your call notes in a separate digital notes app.

Benefits of using CRM for Startups

The best CRM for startups is one that helps you build relationships with your customers, track their interactions with the company and record every interaction as it happens. It should also offer easy access and reporting features so that you can keep track of everything.

Startups don’t need a CRM to survive, but it’s an enormously helpful tool that allows startups to maximize their resources so they can actually make room for growth. Because if your team is lost in a sea of disorganized data or weighed down with time-consuming manual tasks, they’re not exactly in the best position to take on even more customers.

Startups have a long list of challenges to overcome. One of the most strenuous of these is building and maintaining customer relationships. If you are struggling with the same, investing in the best CRM for startups might just be the right thing for you.

How to adapt and organise all your startup processes into CRM

For this purpose, a CRM should become a multi-faceted solution that fosters productive lead interactions and measures data throughout the customer lifecycle. It should have a well-organized database that gathers, keeps, and analyzes data about every client. A well-designed custom CRM would also combine operational, analytical, collaborative, or strategic features as well as sales, marketing, and customer care modules.

If you were to ask our team how to develop a CRM software that fits your company just right, we would suggest you start with planning. During the preoperational stage, you’ve got to get a clear vision of what your organization wants inside the custom CRM, what challenges it will solve, and who is going to use it. To drive these conclusions, you’ve got to define the core business objectives you would like to meet with the CRM. For instance, you would like to increase annual sales by 25% or automate the workflows within the sales team to let them communicate with more leads. Such well-defined goals will enable the developers to design detailed project specifications and select the appropriate technology stack. At this stage, you will need to define what CRM type you want to have and what modules you would like to include.

A CRM strategy must include plans for systems and data integration. In order to ensure all your teams work with the same customer information, you must integrate your platforms and software. Data needs to flow from different sources into your CRM platform. For example, if your marketing efforts are completely separated from the rest of the data, or incomplete data is transferred into the CRM system, no one has a robust view of the customer without toggling back and forth between screens. Proper integration and data flow makes your software run smoothly and keeps all your data up to date.

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Brain Computer Interfaces, Big-data, Machine Learning for Medtech and Edutech

The world is racing forward with medical technology- from neonatology to neurosurgery, new breakthroughs are making life more comfortable for people with disabilities. New medical devices are revolutionising healthcare, and these innovations will soon be incorporated into the standard of care. Here are three cutting-edge technologies that are making an incredible impact on both patients and physicians alike.

The first major medical innovation in recent years has been brain-computer interfaces; this technology allows people to control devices with their thoughts. Instead of pushing buttons or operating switches, disabled individuals can now browse through music or select programs on their televisions. Medical researchers have also created prosthetic hands controlled by neural implants. This allows disabled individuals to independently grasp objects while regaining lost dexterity. Computerized tomography (CT) scans can also create 3D models that patients can interact with through speech or gesture.

Another important medical breakthrough is big data- the analysis and interpretation of large quantities of information. Scientists use this data to conduct experiments and create analyses that inform their decisions. Big data is particularly useful in medical research because it enables scientists to study and analyze huge amounts of information in order to make discoveries. This has led to breakthroughs like genetic algorithms, which help computers make informed decisions in situations where humans can’t understand the full scope of the data.

One of the biggest challenges for developing technology is making it learn from mistakes and make improvements. This is what’s known as machine learning- a type of artificial intelligence used in robotics and other devices that learn from mistakes and make improvements. Military organizations use machine learning to create intelligent software for weapons systems and autonomous robots. The system learns by analyzing vast amounts of data and making decisions on the fly- which makes it perfect for military applications. Doctors use machine learning in biofeedback machines to help people with disabilities manage their symptoms, whether it’s stress or an asthma attack.

Advances in medical technology are bound to continue as new discoveries are made, large amounts of data are collected and analyzed, and disabled individuals can more easily access support systems. These innovations have the potential to transform modern healthcare; however, they’re currently being used by the medical community only a few generations away from disability status. As physicians become more accustomed to these new technologies, they’ll likely incorporate them into their treatment plans for physically and mentally challenged patients alike.

MedTech industry stats:

  • The global medical devices market size was estimated to be worth $447.63 billion in 2019. It is expected to grow to around $671.49 billion by 2027. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • Meanwhile, the medical devices market is expected to recover and grow at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2021, reaching $603.5 billion in 2023. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • Analysis of the medical device market by country shows that the medical technology market size is dominated by North America, which accounts for about 39% of the pie. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • In line with this, about 70% of the world’s largest original MedTech equipment manufacturers by revenue are headquartered in the US. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • In 2019, the estimated total revenues of US and European medical technology companies amounted to $429.8 billion. (EY, 2020)
  • During the first half of 2020, the revenues of US MedTech enterprises saw a decline of about 5%, as many medical technologists were negatively affected by COVID-19. (EY, 2020)
  • Also in 2019, the non-imaging diagnostics segment recorded 12.2% revenue growth, while the therapeutic devices segment’s growth rate climbed to 12.5%. (EY, 2020)
  • Furthermore, the US telemedicine market valuation is expected to reach $25.88 billion by 2027. (Market Study Report, 2021)
  • Around 39% of senior executives in MedTech companies consider supply chain technology systems as a critical component of their operations. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • Additionally, 43% of senior executives report that digitization of the supply chain is vital in their organization’s future success. Another 43% believe that big data is also a critical part of the supply chain. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • Moreover, the MedTech industry, directly and indirectly, generates about two million jobs in the US. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • At least 85% of health executives acknowledge that technology has become an inextricable part of the human experience. (Accenture, 2020)
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Fintech platforms, digital banking systems and investor management modules

The term Fintech (Financial Technology) refers to software and other modern technologies used by businesses that provide automated and improved financial services. The fast and innovative progresses such as Mobile Payments changed the way we manage our finances. Tech-savvy customers, especially millenials expect money transfer, lending, loan management and investing to be effortless, secure and scalable, ideally without the assistance of a person or the visit of a bank.

Fintech platforms

Creating these types of products isn’t easy. It requires technical fidelity and knowledge about customer experience. If you want to compare your product idea to the market, use our list to do so. If you want to create a similar product, check banking software development services that suit your needs.

To be considered as such, digital banking platforms must offer services solely online, as opposed to online components of a standard offer. These solutions heavily rely on process automation, web- and mobile-based services. They also utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and other various forms of support to recognize customers and process-related data.

Digital banking platforms offer possibilities that are the same for everyone, but after logging in, highly personalized. It’s because Big Data and other forms of analytics are used to determine what the user is interested in, what his capabilities are, and what solutions might suit him or her the best.

For example, Investor dashboards are web based dashboards that allow investment managers to publish intraday or daily holdings, cash and instrument transactions, valuations, performance measures and mandate variance to their clients within a company defined layout. Clients are able to amend / reorganise the layout to suit their preferences, providing a personalised form for data consumption.

In-depth details here.

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CRM, ERP, Project management, Document Management, Secure Blockchain infrastructure

Blockchain is a digital, decentralized, and encrypted database that is best known as the underlying technology for cryptocurrency. However, many other applications of blockchain have been discovered, such as cyber security, government systems, and healthcare. Essentially, blockchain has many uses that are still being discovered. Blockchain is a new way of managing data that is increasing in popularity among businesses and governments.

The most important feature of a blockchain is its decentralization- every unit of data is stored on every node on the network simultaneously and cannot be changed or deleted. This makes it very hard to corrupt or delete data from a blockchain. Additionally, since blockchain is encrypted, all data stored on it is inaccessible without the proper security keys. This means that private blockchains are more secure than public ones. It also means that blockchain is more secure than other IT infrastructure like virtual computers.

Blockchain has a lot of potential in the fields of finance and banking. Many banks are using blockchain to transfer money internationally at a faster rate and with greater security. Furthermore, companies can use blockchain to store and manage their financial records. This saves time and money by reducing the amount of paper documents required to run their business. Furthermore, there are several ways to transfer funds with greater security when using blockchain in this way.

Many businesses are exploring how to apply blockchain technology to various industries. The food industry is particularly excited about the possibilities- it can use the technology to track food from farm to table in an effort to prevent product contamination and adulteration. Other industries exploring how to use blockchain include health care, supply chains, property ownership, and marketing campaigns. Essentially, blockchain infrastructure is a growing field with many possibilities that we have yet to explore in depth.

Currently, many businesses are finding great uses for blockchain technology in cybersecurity and other industries. Providing transparency and security to transactions will revolutionize how governments and businesses operate in the future. Private blockchains are more secure than public ones. The main advantage of using a private blockchain compared to a public one is accessibility and security- anyone with permission can access the data on a private blockchain whereas only authorized individuals can access data on a public one. Since data cannot be accessed without the correct keys, private blockchains are inherently more secure than public blockchains because they’re inaccessible without the correct keys.

Blockchain is more secure than other IT infrastructure like cyber security or cloud storage. – Blockchain provides greater levels of security compared to cyber-security programs or cloud storage since it’s both accessible and secure by design. – Blockchain provides transparency and security through decentralized storage of information- making it an ideal solution for any type of data storage. As far as we know right now, there’s still so much potential when it comes down to how we can apply this technology in different ways; it’s something we’ve only just begun exploring properly. We have yet to discover all the uses for this revolutionary technology that has revolutionized our way of thinking over the past few years.

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3 things about CRM platforms: what are they, why your business need one, how to choose

1. What is a CRM platform?

In this guide, we’re going to answer all of those questions and more. By the end, you should have a much better understanding of CRM platforms and how they can benefit your business. Let’s dive in.

 A CRM platform (customer relationship management) is a software solution that helps businesses manage their customer data and interactions. CRM platforms give businesses a single place to store customer information, track customer interactions, and manage sales and marketing processes.

CRM platforms come in all shapes and sizes. There are CRM platforms designed specifically for small businesses and there are CRM platforms designed for large enterprises. There are also CRM platforms that offer a variety of features, while others focus on a specific task such as sales or marketing automation.

2. Why your business needs a CRM platform:

Here are just a few answers:

  • A CRM platform gives you a single place to store all of your customer information. This includes contact information, communication history, purchase history, and more. Having all of this information in one place makes it easy to track your customers and understand their needs and wants.
  • A CRM platform helps you automate your sales and marketing processes. This means you can spend less time on repetitive tasks and more time on selling and marketing. Automation also allows you to scale your sales and marketing efforts without adding more staff.
  • A CRM platform helps you track your customer interactions. This includes phone calls, emails, live chats, social media interactions, and more. Tracking these interactions allows you to understand what’s working and what’s not so you can make the necessary changes.
  • A CRM platform gives you insights into your customers that you wouldn’t have otherwise. This includes understanding their buying habits, their interests, their pain points, and more. This information is valuable for developing targeted sales and marketing campaigns that convert prospects into customers.

3. How to choose the right CRM platform for your business:

  • Features: Another important factor to consider is features. Not all CRMs are created equal, and some have more features than others. Consider what features are most important to you and your business, and choose a CRM that has them.
  • Ease of use: You also want to make sure the CRM you choose is easy to use. The last thing you want is something that’s complicated and difficult to navigate. Look for a CRM with a simple interface that’s easy to use.
  • Customer support: Finally, you want to make sure the CRM you choose has good customer support. This way, if you ever have any questions or problems, you can get help from someone who knows what they’re doing.
  • Cost: One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a CRM is cost. There are many solutions of the market, but only a few can have the potential to meet your organisation needs.
  • Ultimately, a CRM helps you increase sales and grow your business. By keeping track of your customers and understanding their needs, you can sell them the products and services they want. This leads to more conversions, more customers, and more revenue for your business.
  • In a nutshell , a CRM helps you manage your customer relationships better. This includes keeping track of their contact information, their interactions with your company, and their purchase history. CRMs also give you insights into your customers so you can better understand their needs and wants.

Getting started with a CRM platform is easily done with software as a service (SaaS) tools. These tools are cloud-based and allow you to access your data from anywhere, anytime. Once you’ve implemented a CRM, the benefits of using it will quickly become apparent. However, these benefits can be even greater if you take advantage of the automation features that our platforms offer. Automation can help you save time and money while making your sales and marketing efforts more effective.

CRM is a must-have tool for any business, small or large. It provides you with the insights you need to improve sales and boost profitability. With its ability to automate sales and marketing tasks, it also allows you to free up staff time so they can focus on other aspects of their job. Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of CRM? We have the experience, expertise, and resources needed to get started. Our team can guide you through the process of selecting and implementing a CRM platform that’s right for your business needs.

Contact us today for more information!