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Top 10 tehnologii dublu-uz si care sunt aplicațiile civile si militare ale acestora, studii de caz

Dual-use technologies sunt acele tehnologii care pot fi utilizate atât în scopuri civile, cât și militare. Aici intră inovații ce pot aduce beneficii economice și sociale, dar, în același timp, pot fi folosite și în scopuri de apărare sau chiar conflictuale. Topul acestor tehnologii duale este dominat de cele mai avansate domenii, inclusiv inteligență artificială, robotică, biotehnologie și materiale avansate. Uite câteva dintre cele mai importante dual-use technologies și potențialul lor de utilizare:

1. Inteligența Artificială (AI) și Machine Learning (ML)

  • Utilizare civilă: AI este folosită pentru automatizarea sarcinilor complexe, analiză de date, recunoaștere vocală, asistenți virtuali și managementul infrastructurilor urbane prin soluții smart city.
  • Utilizare militară: În scop militar, AI poate fi folosită pentru recunoaștere și supraveghere, dezvoltarea de drone autonome, simulări complexe și chiar război cibernetic. AI poate optimiza strategii de apărare și răspuns în timp real la amenințări.

2. Drone și Vehicule Autonome

  • Utilizare civilă: Dronele sunt utilizate în logistică, agricultură (monitorizarea culturilor), construcții și chiar pentru filmări și divertisment. Vehiculele autonome promit să revoluționeze transportul, reducând riscul de accidente.
  • Utilizare militară: Dronele și vehiculele autonome sunt esențiale în recunoaștere, colectarea de informații și chiar atacuri fără pilot. Ele pot efectua misiuni în medii periculoase fără a pune în pericol viețile soldaților.

3. Tehnologii de Telecomunicații și 5G

  • Utilizare civilă: Rețelele 5G cresc viteza și capacitatea de transmitere a datelor, esențiale pentru IoT și comunicațiile rapide. Înseamnă interconectivitate mai mare și susținerea orașelor inteligente.
  • Utilizare militară: Pe plan militar, rețelele de telecomunicații rapide permit transferul securizat de informații și coordonarea în timp real a operațiunilor. 5G este, de asemenea, o bază pentru comunicații securizate și poate suporta controlul de la distanță al echipamentelor de război.

4. Tehnologii de Realitate Virtuală și Realitate Augmentată (VR și AR)

  • Utilizare civilă: VR și AR sunt folosite în educație, simulări medicale, turism virtual și pentru a îmbunătăți experiențele de shopping. Ele pot schimba modul în care învățăm și ne relaxăm.
  • Utilizare militară: În armată, VR și AR sunt instrumente excelente pentru instruire și simulare. Soldații pot exersa diverse scenarii fără riscuri, iar realitatea augmentată poate ajuta în teren prin afișarea de informații utile direct pe câmpul vizual.

5. Nanotehnologie și Materiale Avansate

  • Utilizare civilă: Nanotehnologia este folosită în electronice, materiale mai rezistente și eficiente, dar și în medicină, unde sunt create metode noi de livrare a medicamentelor la nivel molecular.
  • Utilizare militară: În aplicațiile militare, nanotehnologia permite dezvoltarea de echipamente și armuri ușoare, dar foarte rezistente. Materialele avansate pot face aeronavele mai eficiente sau pot fi folosite în echipamente de camuflaj.

6. Biotehnologie și Genetică

  • Utilizare civilă: În domeniul civil, biotehnologia și genetica sunt utilizate pentru a dezvolta tratamente medicale personalizate, dar și pentru agricultură avansată, prin culturi rezistente și îmbunătățite genetic.
  • Utilizare militară: În scopuri militare, biotehnologia poate fi folosită pentru a dezvolta soldați mai rezistenți și pentru cercetări în biologia sintetică, existând totodată riscul de utilizare în arme biologice.

7. Tehnologii de Criptare și Securitate Cibernetică

  • Utilizare civilă: Criptarea și securitatea cibernetică sunt esențiale pentru protejarea datelor personale și a sistemelor financiare. Aceste tehnologii sunt utilizate de companii și guverne pentru a asigura securitatea informațiilor.
  • Utilizare militară: Militarii folosesc criptarea pentru a securiza comunicațiile și a preveni atacurile cibernetice. Războiul cibernetic este o componentă esențială a strategiei de apărare a oricărei țări.

8. Imprimare 3D

  • Utilizare civilă: Imprimarea 3D este deja utilizată pentru prototipare rapidă, personalizarea produselor, în construcții și chiar pentru crearea unor dispozitive medicale și piese auto.
  • Utilizare militară: În armată, imprimarea 3D poate fi folosită pentru producția de componente pe câmpul de luptă, reducând dependența de lanțurile de aprovizionare. Există chiar posibilitatea imprimării de echipamente și arme ușoare.

9. Tehnologii de Energie Regenerabilă și Baterii Avansate

  • Utilizare civilă: Dezvoltarea energiei regenerabile și a bateriilor eficiente este crucială pentru o lume mai sustenabilă, mai ales în transporturi, energie și locuințe verzi.
  • Utilizare militară: Militarii au un interes mare în surse alternative de energie pentru a reduce dependența de combustibil tradițional, în special pentru operațiuni în locuri izolate.

10. Sisteme de Sateliți și Tehnologii Spațiale

  • Utilizare civilă: Sateliții sunt folosiți în telecomunicații, cartografiere, prognoze meteo și monitorizarea mediului. De asemenea, au un rol important în navigația GPS.
  • Utilizare militară: Sateliții sunt critici pentru comunicațiile militare, supraveghere globală și navigația trupelor și echipamentelor. În plus, tehnologiile spațiale sunt esențiale pentru detectarea și prevenirea amenințărilor din spațiu.

În concluzie, dezvoltarea acestor tehnologii continuă să avanseze rapid, iar aplicabilitatea lor în diferite industrii le face esențiale pentru progresul social, dar și pentru securitatea națională. Totuși, utilizarea dublă vine și cu provocări legate de reglementare și etică, având în vedere că accesul nelimitat la aceste tehnologii poate avea consecințe grave.

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Best Medtech products and technologies to launch internationally as Startups

Determining the “best” medtech products to launch internationally can depend on various factors, including market demand, innovation, regulatory approval, and the specific needs of healthcare systems in different countries. However, here are some medtech products and technologies that have the potential to make a significant impact on the international healthcare market:

1. Telemedicine Platforms: Telemedicine and telehealth platforms have gained tremendous importance, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. These platforms enable remote healthcare consultations, monitoring, and diagnostics, making healthcare services more accessible to people worldwide.

2. Wearable Health Technology: Wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers have evolved to include more sophisticated health monitoring features, such as ECG, blood pressure, and continuous glucose monitoring. These can assist individuals in monitoring their health and can also provide valuable data to healthcare professionals.

3. AI-Assisted Diagnostics: Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to analyze medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, to improve the speed and accuracy of diagnostics. AI can also help with predictive analytics and personalized treatment plans.

4. Remote Patient Monitoring: Remote monitoring devices and apps enable healthcare providers to track patients’ vital signs and health metrics outside of traditional clinical settings. This can be especially beneficial for patients with chronic conditions.

5. Robotic Surgery Systems: Surgical robots, like the da Vinci Surgical System, are becoming more widely adopted for minimally invasive surgeries. These systems offer greater precision and dexterity, potentially reducing recovery times.

6. 3D Printing for Medical Devices: 3D printing is revolutionizing the production of custom implants, prosthetics, and medical devices. This technology allows for highly personalized solutions for patients.

7. Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tools: Portable and easy-to-use diagnostic devices, including those for infectious diseases and chronic conditions, can improve healthcare delivery in underserved areas and remote locations.

8. Genome Sequencing and Personalized Medicine: Advances in genomics and personalized medicine are helping to tailor treatment plans to an individual’s genetic makeup, potentially improving treatment outcomes and reducing adverse effects.

9. Remote Surgical Training and Support: Remote surgical training and support platforms allow expert surgeons to guide and assist less experienced surgeons during complex procedures, increasing access to specialized care.

10. Advanced Implantable Devices: Innovations in implantable devices, such as bioelectronic implants for chronic conditions and neuromodulation devices, are improving the quality of life for patients.

11. Medication Adherence Technology: Digital solutions to improve patient medication adherence, such as smart pill dispensers and mobile apps, can help manage chronic conditions more effectively.

12. Healthcare Data Analytics: Big data and analytics are helping healthcare providers make data-driven decisions, improve patient outcomes, and manage resources more efficiently.

13. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Healthcare: VR and AR technologies are being used for medical training, patient education, and even in surgical planning and visualization.

14. Gene Editing and CRISPR Technology: CRISPR-Cas9 and related gene-editing technologies have the potential to treat genetic disorders and certain diseases more effectively.

When launching medtech products internationally, it’s essential to consider regulatory requirements, cultural and demographic factors, healthcare infrastructure, and potential partnerships with local healthcare providers. Conducting thorough market research and addressing any unique challenges in each target market is crucial for success.

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Lista de brevete SUA care se referă la tehnologii pentru controlul minții, stimularea subconștientă și monitorizarea creierului și pericolele generate de acestea

Pericolele estimate legate de tehnologiile de mai jos pot include:

  1. Intruziunea in viata privata: tehnologiile precum inteligenta artificiala si internetul lucrurilor pot colecta si stoca informatii sensibile despre utilizatori, creand riscul de a fi folosite in mod necorespunzator sau pentru a fi vandute catre terti.
  2. Riscul cibernetic: tehnologiile precum cloud computing si blockchain sunt vulnerabile la atacuri cibernetice, care pot duce la furtul sau pierderea de date sensibile.
  3. Disparitatea tehnologica: accesul inegal la tehnologie poate crea o divizare sociala si economica intre cei care au acces la tehnologie si cei care nu.
  4. Dependenta excesiva de tehnologie: utilizarea excesiva a tehnologiei poate duce la probleme de sanatate mentala, precum depresia si anxietatea, si poate avea un impact negativ asupra vietii sociale si familiale.
  5. Automatizarea locurilor de munca: tehnologiile precum automatizarea si robotizarea pot duce la pierderea locurilor de munca pentru oameni, cauzand probleme economice si sociale.

Acestea sunt numeroase brevete care se referă la tehnologii pentru controlul minții, stimularea subconștientă și monitorizarea creierului. În general, aceste brevete descriu aparate și metode care utilizează frecvențe radio, undele electromagnetice, sunetul ultrasonic sau undele cerebrale (EEG) pentru a influența sau monitoriza comportamentul uman.

Un exemplu de brevet care descrie o tehnologie pentru controlul minții este US3014477 (Inductor hipnotic), care se referă la o mașină pentru hipnoză și controlul minții. Alte brevete, cum ar fi US3060795 (Aparat pentru producerea stimulării vizuale) și US3278676 (Aparat pentru producerea stimulării vizuale și auditive), se referă la aparate pentru transmiterea subconștientă prin intermediul filmelor sau televiziunii.

Pe lângă acestea, există și brevete care descriu tehnologii pentru monitorizarea undelor cerebrale, cum ar fi US3951134 (Aparatură și metodă pentru monitorizarea și modificarea de la distanță a undelor cerebrale), sau sisteme de prezentare subliminală, cum ar fi US5159703 (Sistem de prezentare subliminal silențios).

De asemenea, există brevete care se referă la tehnologii care utilizează sunetul ultrasonic sau undele electromagnetice pentru a influența comportamentul sau a comunica cu oamenii, cum ar fi US5889870 (Dispozitiv și metodă acustică heterodină) sau US6011991 (Sistem și metodă de comunicare, inclusiv analiza undelor cerebrale și/sau utilizarea activității creierului).

Este important de menționat că aceste brevete nu necesită neapărat implementarea efectivă a tehnologiilor descrise în ele și, prin urmare, nu este clar dacă acestea au fost dezvoltate sau utilizate în practică. De asemenea, nu există suficiente informații disponibile pentru a evalua cu precizie impactul acestor tehnologii asupra comportamentului uman sau asupra sănătății.

O lista inițială

• US3014477 Inductor hipnotic (mașină pentru controlul minții)
• US3060795 Aparat pentru producerea stimulării vizuale (transmitere subconștientă prin film)
• US3278676 Aparat pentru producerea stimulării vizuale și auditive (transmitere subconștientă prin TV)
• US3393279 Dispozitiv de excitare a sistemului nervos
• US3563246 Metodă și aparat pentru îmbunătățirea performanței neuronale la subiecți umani prin electroterapie
• Sisteme auditive US3629521 (RF/microunde)
• US3712292 Metodă și aparat pentru producerea de modele de semnal audio modulat în frecvență de baleiaj pentru inducerea somnului (difuzarea frecvențelor creierului)
• US3884218 Metoda de inducere și menținere a stadiilor de somn la ființa umană (FFR – Microunde de răspuns la frecvență)
• US3951134 Aparatură și metodă pentru monitorizarea și modificarea de la distanță a undelor cerebrale (unde RF/electromagnetice)
• Sistem și metodă de mesaje subliminale auditive US4395600 (spălarea creierului subliminal prin muzică sau alt sunet)
• US4717343 Metoda de modificare a comportamentului unei persoane (spălarea creierului subconștient prin video)
• US4777529 Sistem de programare subliminală auditivă (spălare silențioasă a creierului prin muzică sau alt sunet)
• US4834701 Aparat pentru inducerea reducerii frecvenței în undele cerebrale (FFR – Brain Frequencies Transmission)
• Dispozitiv auditiv US4858612 (auz cu microunde)
• Sistem auditiv US4877027 (auzire cu microunde prin difuzare în aer liber)
• US5159703 Sistem de prezentare subliminal silențios (alias Silent Sound – cuptor cu microunde)
• US5356368 Metodă și aparat pentru inducerea stărilor de conștiință dorite (forme de undă FFR/EEG prin difuzare)
• US5774088 Metodă și sistem de avertizare pentru păsările de pericole (auzirea cu microunde)
• US5889870 Dispozitiv și metodă acustică heterodină (ultrasunete. Efect ventriloc.)
• US6011991 Sistem și metodă de comunicare, inclusiv analiza undelor cerebrale și/sau utilizarea activității creierului (vizionare de la distanță)
• US6052336 Aparatură și metodă de difuzare a sunetului audibil folosind sunetul ultrasonic ca purtător (ultrasunete)
• US6470214 Metodă și dispozitiv pentru implementarea efectului auditiv cu frecvență radio (auzirea cu microunde)
• US6587729 Aparat pentru comunicarea audibilă a vorbirii utilizând efectul auditiv cu frecvență radio (auzirea cu microunde)
• US8407063 Sistem de monitorizare a sănătății de la distanță pentru mai mulți utilizatori cu suport biometric
• US2995633 Mijloace pentru ajutarea auzului
• US5123899 Metodă și sistem pentru modificarea conștiinței
• US4777529 Sistem de programare subliminală auditivă
• Dispozitiv auditiv US4858612
• Sistem auditiv US4877027
• US3393279 Dispozitiv de excitare a sistemului nervos
• Sisteme auditive US3629521
• US3576185 Metodă și aranjare de inducere a somnului folosind sunet și lumină modulate
• Proiector psiho-acustic US3568347
• US3647970 Metodă și sistem pentru simplificarea formelor de undă a vorbirii
• US3773049 Aparat pentru tratamentul bolilor neuropsihice și somatice cu căldură
• US3766331 Aparatură auditivă pentru producerea de senzații în creier
• US3727616 Sistem electronic de stimulare a sistemelor biologice
• US3712292 Metodă și aparat pentru producerea de modele de semnal audio FM pentru inducerea somnului
• US3837331 Sistem și metodă pentru controlul sistemului nervos al unui organism viu
• US3835833 Metodă pentru obținerea efectelor neurofiziologice
• US3884218 Metoda de inducere și menținere a diferitelor etape ale somnului la ființa umană
• US5935054 Excitarea magnetică a rezonanțelor senzoriale
• US6017302 Manipularea acustică subliminală a sistemelor nervoase
• US6091994 Manipularea pulsativă a sistemelor nervoase
• US6081744 Generator de câmp electric Fringe pentru manipularea sistemelor nervoase
• US6167304 Variabilitatea pulsului în manipularea câmpului electric al sistemelor nervoase
• US3967616 Sistem multicanal pentru și metodă multifactorială de control al sistemului nervos al unui organism viu
• Unitate de analgezic audio US4082918
• US4141344 Sistem de înregistrare a sunetului
• US4227516 Aparat pentru stimulare electrofiziologică
• US4191175 Metodă și aparat pentru producerea repetitivă a unui semnal sonor asemănător unui zgomot
• US4315501 Dispozitiv de învățare-relaxare
• US4335710 Dispozitiv pentru inducerea unor modele specifice de unde cerebrale

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Brain Computer Interfaces, Big-data, Machine Learning for Medtech and Edutech

The world is racing forward with medical technology- from neonatology to neurosurgery, new breakthroughs are making life more comfortable for people with disabilities. New medical devices are revolutionising healthcare, and these innovations will soon be incorporated into the standard of care. Here are three cutting-edge technologies that are making an incredible impact on both patients and physicians alike.

The first major medical innovation in recent years has been brain-computer interfaces; this technology allows people to control devices with their thoughts. Instead of pushing buttons or operating switches, disabled individuals can now browse through music or select programs on their televisions. Medical researchers have also created prosthetic hands controlled by neural implants. This allows disabled individuals to independently grasp objects while regaining lost dexterity. Computerized tomography (CT) scans can also create 3D models that patients can interact with through speech or gesture.

Another important medical breakthrough is big data- the analysis and interpretation of large quantities of information. Scientists use this data to conduct experiments and create analyses that inform their decisions. Big data is particularly useful in medical research because it enables scientists to study and analyze huge amounts of information in order to make discoveries. This has led to breakthroughs like genetic algorithms, which help computers make informed decisions in situations where humans can’t understand the full scope of the data.

One of the biggest challenges for developing technology is making it learn from mistakes and make improvements. This is what’s known as machine learning- a type of artificial intelligence used in robotics and other devices that learn from mistakes and make improvements. Military organizations use machine learning to create intelligent software for weapons systems and autonomous robots. The system learns by analyzing vast amounts of data and making decisions on the fly- which makes it perfect for military applications. Doctors use machine learning in biofeedback machines to help people with disabilities manage their symptoms, whether it’s stress or an asthma attack.

Advances in medical technology are bound to continue as new discoveries are made, large amounts of data are collected and analyzed, and disabled individuals can more easily access support systems. These innovations have the potential to transform modern healthcare; however, they’re currently being used by the medical community only a few generations away from disability status. As physicians become more accustomed to these new technologies, they’ll likely incorporate them into their treatment plans for physically and mentally challenged patients alike.

MedTech industry stats:

  • The global medical devices market size was estimated to be worth $447.63 billion in 2019. It is expected to grow to around $671.49 billion by 2027. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • Meanwhile, the medical devices market is expected to recover and grow at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2021, reaching $603.5 billion in 2023. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • Analysis of the medical device market by country shows that the medical technology market size is dominated by North America, which accounts for about 39% of the pie. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • In line with this, about 70% of the world’s largest original MedTech equipment manufacturers by revenue are headquartered in the US. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • In 2019, the estimated total revenues of US and European medical technology companies amounted to $429.8 billion. (EY, 2020)
  • During the first half of 2020, the revenues of US MedTech enterprises saw a decline of about 5%, as many medical technologists were negatively affected by COVID-19. (EY, 2020)
  • Also in 2019, the non-imaging diagnostics segment recorded 12.2% revenue growth, while the therapeutic devices segment’s growth rate climbed to 12.5%. (EY, 2020)
  • Furthermore, the US telemedicine market valuation is expected to reach $25.88 billion by 2027. (Market Study Report, 2021)
  • Around 39% of senior executives in MedTech companies consider supply chain technology systems as a critical component of their operations. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • Additionally, 43% of senior executives report that digitization of the supply chain is vital in their organization’s future success. Another 43% believe that big data is also a critical part of the supply chain. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • Moreover, the MedTech industry, directly and indirectly, generates about two million jobs in the US. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • At least 85% of health executives acknowledge that technology has become an inextricable part of the human experience. (Accenture, 2020)
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EEG test could enable early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, innovative EEG test could diagnose Alzheimer’s disease 5  years earlier

Memory assessment: can be done by a volunteer without any prior training. 

A new memory assessment technique could pave the way for earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, the underlying cause of around 60% of dementia cases. The approach uses electroencephalography (EEG) to measure brain activity while participants watch flashing images on a computer screen.

Current diagnostic tests for Alzheimer’s disease are not effective during its early stages, meaning that Alzheimer’s is typically only diagnosed late in the disease process. As such, there’s a real need for early diagnosis tools that could enable the timely initiation of lifestyle interventions to slow the rate of cognitive decline. Such a tool could also help drug development, through earlier and more accurate identification of dementia patients in clinical trials.

An EEG-based test may be developed that would decrease the age of diagnosis by up to five years in the near future. 

In the long term the EEG detection technique is known in the medical field but is not the only screening method recommended and has the potential to improve other methods.


The structure of a BCI system

EEG works by using multiple electrodes placed on the scalp (in an EEG cap) to record the brain’s electrical activity. BRAIN AI uses a method called fast periodic visual stimulation (FPVS), which measures brain signals as the subject views a series of rapidly presented images, a few of which are repeated at slower intervals. The technique is highly effective at picking up small, subtle changes in brain waves that occur when a person remembers an image.

The big advantage of BRAIN AI EEG Test is that it is completely passive. The person performing the test is not given any instructions prior to the task, which is important as dementia patients may struggle to follow complex instructions, and is not asked to reflect on, respond to or remember any items. The technique is also low-cost, non-invasive and uses technology that’s already available in hospitals.

BRAIN AI offers a genuinely novel way of measuring how our brain is functioning.

The person being assessed doesn’t need to understand the test, or even respond, they simply watch a screen of flashing images and by the way we manipulate the images that appear we can learn an enormous amount about what their brain is, or is not, able to do.”

The BRAIN AI procedure induces two discrete frequency responses in the EEG, which reflect the participant’s periodic neural responses to the stimuli. The first reflects visual processing at the image presentation frequency. The second mirrors the brain’s response to previously seen images and reflects the patient’s recognition memory. Analysing the EEG spectrum at this second, slower frequency can quantify the patient’s memory response.

BRAIN AI (EEG) testing could pave the way for improved outcomes for patients with Alzheimer’s disease by diagnosing the condition earlier, allowing treatments to be initiated before significant clinical signs appear. (surse:

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Major U.S. airlines warn 5G could ground some planes, wreak havoc and other health and technical problems

WASHINGTON, Jan 17 (Reuters) – The chief executives of major U.S. passenger and cargo carriers on Monday warned of an impending “catastrophic” aviation crisis in less than 36 hours, when AT&T (T.N) and Verizon (VZ.N) are set to deploy new 5G service.

The airlines warned the new C-Band 5G service set to begin on Wednesday could render a significant number of widebody aircraft unusable, “could potentially strand tens of thousands of Americans overseas” and cause “chaos” for U.S. flights.

“Unless our major hubs are cleared to fly, the vast majority of the traveling and shipping public will essentially be grounded,” wrote the chief executives of American Airlines (AAL.O), Delta Air Lines (DAL.N), United Airlines , Southwest Airlines (LUV.N) and others in a letter first reported by Reuters.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned that potential interference could affect sensitive airplane instruments such as altimeters and significantly hamper low-visibility operations.

“This means that on a day like yesterday, more than 1,100 flights and 100,000 passengers would be subjected to cancellations, diversions or delays,” the letter cautioned.

Airlines late on Monday were considering whether to begin canceling some international flights that are scheduled to arrive in the United States on Wednesday.

“With the proposed restrictions at selected airports, the transportation industry is preparing for some service disruption. We are optimistic that we can work across industries and with government to finalize solutions that safely mitigate as many schedule impacts as possible,” plane maker Boeing (BA.N) said on Monday.

Action is urgent, the airlines added in the letter also signed by UPS Airlines (UPS.N), Alaska Air (ALK.N), Atlas Air (AAWW.O), JetBlue Airways and FedEx Express (FDX.N). “To be blunt, the nation’s commerce will grind to a halt.”

The letter went to White House National Economic Council director Brian Deese, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, FAA Administrator Steve Dickson and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel.

Airlines for America, the group that organized the letter, declined to comment. The FAA said it “will continue to ensure that the traveling public is safe as wireless companies deploy 5G. The FAA continues to work with the aviation industry and wireless companies to try to limit 5G-related flight delays and cancellations.” (source )

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The Social Dilemma – The Official Trailer – Cloud Breaking Big Tech Companies – Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram etc.

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Charities Are Turning to Bitcoin Amid the Global Fight Against Coronavirus

In the war against the novel coronavirus, cryptocurrencies are emerging as a much-needed tool for charity and fundraising projects. Already there are a number of large nonprofits accepting Bitcoin donations. Plus, some blockchain and crypto firms are contributing medical supplies to hospitals in an attempt to curb the virus, while others are setting up fundraisers and charities that are aimed at helping its victims.
As a number of nonprofits continue to accept cryptocurrency donations, they are starting to realize that crypto transactions significantly reduce costs in terms of fees. Here are a number of charities and fundraisers that accept donations in crypto.
Red Cross
The rate of coronavirus infections in Italy is astonishingly high. For this reason, the Italian Red Cross moved to accept Bitcoin (BTC) and other crypto donations on March 12 with the goal of using the proceeds from the campaign to set up second-level advanced medical posts. The medical posts would be used to pre-triage coronavirus patients.
The project turned out to be such a success such that its fundraising goal of $10,710 was achieved by the third day of the campaign. Since then, the charitable organization has moved to raise even more funds through Bitcoin and other crypto donations with the goal of $26,000. The funds from the second round of funding are set to be used to buy emergency equipment. So far, the organization has achieved around 85% of its goal.
The Water Project
Apart from social distancing, one of the frequent calls by hygiene experts has been to wash hands. Without a doubt, hand washing is one of the crucial ways of fighting the spread of the coronavirus. Charitable organizations such as The Water Project have been at work installing and repairing water points all over impoverished regions in Africa. 
They have also been teaching communities how to wash hands and how to keep their water sources free from germs and other pathogens, as well as how to begin and maintain other good health practices. With coronavirus spreading through various countries in Africa, charitable organizations like The Water Project are crucial for the containment of the virus. 
For the first time, the organization has launched a fundraising project called WaSH — an acronym for water sanitation and hygiene — with the aim of raising funds to provide clean water and hygiene. Aside from standard methods of donation, the water project also accepts crypto donations in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ether (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC).
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Scientific sources: China Treating Coronavirus COVID-19 with Intravenous Vitamin C


Scientific source 1:


A vitamin boost for immunotherapy

Despite some controversy over the years, it is gradually becoming clear that vitamin C has some anticancer effects, albeit only when given intravenously and at sufficiently high doses. However, earlier studies evaluating the anticancer effects of vitamin C have used immunodeficient mice and therefore only examined its direct effects on tumors. By studying immunocompetent mouse models of cancer, Magri et al. determined that the vitamin’s effects were much stronger in the presence of an intact immune system and that it cooperated with checkpoint immunotherapy. These findings suggest a promising approach to combination treatment, which now needs to be tested in patients.


Vitamin C (VitC) is known to directly impair cancer cell growth in preclinical models, but there is little clinical evidence on its antitumoral efficacy. In addition, whether and how VitC modulates anticancer immune responses is mostly unknown. Here, we show that a fully competent immune system is required to maximize the antiproliferative effect of VitC in breast, colorectal, melanoma, and pancreatic murine tumors. High-dose VitC modulates infiltration of the tumor microenvironment by cells of the immune system and delays cancer growth in a T cell–dependent manner. VitC not only enhances the cytotoxic activity of adoptively transferred CD8 T cells but also cooperates with immune checkpoint therapy (ICT) in several cancer types. Combination of VitC and ICT can be curative in models of mismatch repair–deficient tumors with high mutational burden. This work provides a rationale for clinical trials combining ICT with high doses of VitC.



Scientific Source 2:


Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock


The global burden of sepsis is estimated as 15 to 19 million cases annually, with a mortality rate approaching 60% in low-income countries.


In this retrospective before-after clinical study, we compared the outcome and clinical course of consecutive septic patients treated with intravenous vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine during a 7-month period (treatment group) with a control group treated in our ICU during the preceding 7 months. The primary outcome was hospital survival. A propensity score was generated to adjust the primary outcome.


There were 47 patients in both treatment and control groups, with no significant differences in baseline characteristics between the two groups. The hospital mortality was 8.5% (4 of 47) in the treatment group compared with 40.4% (19 of 47) in the control group (P < .001). The propensity adjusted odds of mortality in the patients treated with the vitamin C protocol was 0.13 (95% CI, 0.04-0.48; P = .002). The Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment score decreased in all patients in the treatment group, with none developing progressive organ failure. All patients in the treatment group were weaned off vasopressors, a mean of 18.3 ± 9.8 h after starting treatment with the vitamin C protocol. The mean duration of vasopressor use was 54.9 ± 28.4 h in the control group (P < .001).


Our results suggest that the early use of intravenous vitamin C, together with corticosteroids and thiamine, are effective in preventing progressive organ dysfunction, including acute kidney injury, and in reducing the mortality of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Additional studies are required to confirm these preliminary findings.


Why China Treating Coronavirus COVID-19 with Intravenous Vitamin C ?

Intravenous vitamin C is already being employed in China against COVID-19 coronavirus. I am receiving regular updates because I am part of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to the International Intravenous Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team. Its director is Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD; associate director is Hong Zhang, PhD.

Among other team members are Qi Chen, PhD (Associate Professor, Kansas University Medical School); Jeanne Drisko, MD (Professor, University of Kansas Medical School);

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD; and Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD. (Professor, Kyorin University, Tokyo). To read the treatment protocol information in English: click this (Protocol in Chinese is here).

Direct report from China

OMNS Chinese edition editor Dr. Richard Cheng is reporting from China about the first approved study of 12,000 to 24,000 mg/day of vitamin C by IV. The doctor also specifically calls for immediate use of vitamin C for prevention of coronavirus (COVID-19). See this.

A second clinical trial of intravenous vitamin C was announced in China on Feb. 13th. In this second study, says Dr. Cheng,

“They plan to give 6,000 mg/day and 12,000 mg/day per day for moderate and severe cases. We are also communicating with other hospitals about starting more intravenous vitamin C clinical studies. We would like to see oral vitamin C included in these studies, as the oral forms can be applied to more patients and at home.” Additional information here.

And on Feb 21, 2020, announcement has been made of a third research trial now approved for intravenous vitamin C for COVID-19.

Dr. Cheng, who is a US board-certified specialist in anti-aging medicine, adds:

“Vitamin C is very promising for prevention, and especially important to treat dying patients when there is no better treatment. Over 2,000 people have died of the COIV-19 outbreak and yet I have not seen or heard large dose intravenous vitamin C being used in any of the cases. The current sole focus on vaccine and specific antiviral drugs for epidemics is misplaced.”

He adds that:

“Early and sufficiently large doses of intravenous vitamin C are critical. Vitamin C is not only a prototypical antioxidant, but also involved in virus killing and prevention of viral replication. The significance of large dose intravenous vitamin C is not just at antiviral level. It is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that kills most people from coronaviral pandemics (SARS, MERS and now NCP). ARDS is a common final pathway leading to death.

“We therefore call for a worldwide discussion and debate on this topic.”
