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Finanțare PNRR: Ghidul pentru Digitalizarea IMMurilor, lansat spre consultare publică

Beneficiari eligibil: întreprinderi, societăți reglementate de Legea societăților nr. 31/1990, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, care se încadrează în categoria de IMM și au sediul social în România.

Activitățile sprijinite în cadrul investiției/operațiunii:

  • achiziții de hardware TIC;
  • achiziții de echipamente pentru automatizări și robotică destinate fluxurilor tehnologice, integrate cu soluții digitale;
  • dezvoltarea și/sau adaptarea aplicațiilor software/licențelor, inclusiv soluțiile de automatizare software de tip RPA, respectiv Robotic Process Automation;
  • achiziții de tehnologii blockchain;
  • achiziții de sisteme de inteligență artificială, machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality;
  • achiziționare website de prezentare;
  • achiziția de servicii de tip cloud și IoT;
  • instruirea personalului care va utiliza echipamentele TIC;
  • consultanță/analiză pentru identificarea soluțiilor tehnice de care au nevoie IMM-urile etc.

Buget apel: alocarea pentru acest apel, corespunzătoare secțiunii deschise este de 347,5 milioane euro.

Categorii de cheltuieli eligibile în cadrul acestui apel de proiecte, sunt:

  1. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de servicii de consultanță pentru elaborarea proiectului;
  2. cheltuieli pentru managementul proiectului;
  3. cheltuieli cu servicii de consultanta/analiza pentru identificarea soluțiilor tehnice de care are nevoie IMM-ul, cu condiția ca soluțiile tehnice identificate și descrise în documentația tehnică realizată, să facă obiectul investițiilor din cadrul proiectului aferent cererii de finanțare;
  4. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de hardware TIC,  de echipamente pentru automatizări și robotică integrate cu soluții digitale și a altor dispozitive și echipamente aferente, inclusiv pentru E-commerce, IoT (Internet of Things), tehnologii blockchain etc., precum și cheltuieli de instalare, configurare și punere in funcțiune;
  5. cheltuieli aferente realizării rețelei LAN/WiFi;
  6. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării și/sau dezvoltării și/sau adaptării aplicațiilor/licențelor software, cheltuieli pentru configurarea și implementarea bazelor de date, migrarea și integrarea diverselor structuri de date existente, pentru gestiune financiară, gestiunea furnizorilor, resurse umane, logistică, cheltuieli pentru implementarea RPA (Robotic Process Automation), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Mangement), pentru sisteme IoT (Internet of Things) și AI (Artificial Intelligence), tehnologii blockchain, soluții E-Commerce etc. și  integrarea acestora in BTP (Business Technology Platform), acolo unde este cazul;
  7. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării unui website de prezentare a companiei;
  8. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării/închirierii pe perioada de implementare și durabilitate a proiectului, a unui nume de domeniu nou;
  9. cheltuieli cu servicii de trecere a arhivelor din analog/dosare/hârtie în digital indexabil;
  10. cheltuieli aferente achizițiilor de servicii de tip Cloud Computing pe perioada de implementare și durabilitate a proiectului;
  11. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de servicii pentru consolidarea securitatii cibernetice aplicabile pentru software/găzduire/rețele, pe perioada de implementare și durabilitate a proiectului;
  12. cheltuieli cu serviciile de auditare tehnică (IT și DNSH);
  13. cheltuieli cu instruirea personalului care va utiliza echipamentele TIC (cheltuială obligatorie în procent de maxim 10% din valoarea finanțată).

Pentru detalii ne puteți contacta completând formularul de aici. 

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Brain Computer Interfaces, Big-data, Machine Learning for Medtech and Edutech

The world is racing forward with medical technology- from neonatology to neurosurgery, new breakthroughs are making life more comfortable for people with disabilities. New medical devices are revolutionising healthcare, and these innovations will soon be incorporated into the standard of care. Here are three cutting-edge technologies that are making an incredible impact on both patients and physicians alike.

The first major medical innovation in recent years has been brain-computer interfaces; this technology allows people to control devices with their thoughts. Instead of pushing buttons or operating switches, disabled individuals can now browse through music or select programs on their televisions. Medical researchers have also created prosthetic hands controlled by neural implants. This allows disabled individuals to independently grasp objects while regaining lost dexterity. Computerized tomography (CT) scans can also create 3D models that patients can interact with through speech or gesture.

Another important medical breakthrough is big data- the analysis and interpretation of large quantities of information. Scientists use this data to conduct experiments and create analyses that inform their decisions. Big data is particularly useful in medical research because it enables scientists to study and analyze huge amounts of information in order to make discoveries. This has led to breakthroughs like genetic algorithms, which help computers make informed decisions in situations where humans can’t understand the full scope of the data.

One of the biggest challenges for developing technology is making it learn from mistakes and make improvements. This is what’s known as machine learning- a type of artificial intelligence used in robotics and other devices that learn from mistakes and make improvements. Military organizations use machine learning to create intelligent software for weapons systems and autonomous robots. The system learns by analyzing vast amounts of data and making decisions on the fly- which makes it perfect for military applications. Doctors use machine learning in biofeedback machines to help people with disabilities manage their symptoms, whether it’s stress or an asthma attack.

Advances in medical technology are bound to continue as new discoveries are made, large amounts of data are collected and analyzed, and disabled individuals can more easily access support systems. These innovations have the potential to transform modern healthcare; however, they’re currently being used by the medical community only a few generations away from disability status. As physicians become more accustomed to these new technologies, they’ll likely incorporate them into their treatment plans for physically and mentally challenged patients alike.

MedTech industry stats:

  • The global medical devices market size was estimated to be worth $447.63 billion in 2019. It is expected to grow to around $671.49 billion by 2027. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • Meanwhile, the medical devices market is expected to recover and grow at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2021, reaching $603.5 billion in 2023. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • Analysis of the medical device market by country shows that the medical technology market size is dominated by North America, which accounts for about 39% of the pie. (Precedence Research, 2020)
  • In line with this, about 70% of the world’s largest original MedTech equipment manufacturers by revenue are headquartered in the US. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • In 2019, the estimated total revenues of US and European medical technology companies amounted to $429.8 billion. (EY, 2020)
  • During the first half of 2020, the revenues of US MedTech enterprises saw a decline of about 5%, as many medical technologists were negatively affected by COVID-19. (EY, 2020)
  • Also in 2019, the non-imaging diagnostics segment recorded 12.2% revenue growth, while the therapeutic devices segment’s growth rate climbed to 12.5%. (EY, 2020)
  • Furthermore, the US telemedicine market valuation is expected to reach $25.88 billion by 2027. (Market Study Report, 2021)
  • Around 39% of senior executives in MedTech companies consider supply chain technology systems as a critical component of their operations. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • Additionally, 43% of senior executives report that digitization of the supply chain is vital in their organization’s future success. Another 43% believe that big data is also a critical part of the supply chain. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • Moreover, the MedTech industry, directly and indirectly, generates about two million jobs in the US. (Brandon Gaille, 2020)
  • At least 85% of health executives acknowledge that technology has become an inextricable part of the human experience. (Accenture, 2020)
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Pentru IMM-uri și Startup-uri: soluții complete CRM, ERP, echipamente și servicii IT&C, necesare digitalizării activității curente

Programul de Digitalizare se adresează IMM-urilor care doresc să obțină finanțarea nerambursabilă. Acest program sprijină activitatea digitală a IMM-urilor non-TIC prin:

  • Achiziții de  hardware TIC, dispozitive și echipamente corelate cu implementarea proiectului;
  • Activități aferente realizării rețelei LAN necesară pentru implementarea proiectului;
  • Achiziționare şi/sau dezvoltare şi/sau adaptare a aplicațiilor software/licențelor necesare implementării proiectului, configurării şi implementării bazelor de date, migrării şi integrării diverselor structuri de date existente, inclusiv soluții de automatizare software de tip RPA, respectiv Robotic Process Automation;
  • Procurare de website de prezentare a companiei (maxim 10.000 lei);
  • Achiziție de nume de domeniu nou ”.ro”;
  • Achiziția soluției de semnătură electronică;
  • Trecerea arhivelor din analog/dosare/hârtie în digital indexabil;
  • Achiziționarea de aplicații informatice specifice pentru persoanele cu dizabilități;
  • Soluții IT pentru comerțul electronic;
  • Servicii de tip cloud şi SaaS (Software as a Service);
  • Servicii de găzduire, incluzând toate tipurile de servicii de găzduire, cu excepția pachetelor de reseller;
  • Servicii pentru consolidarea securității cibernetice aplicabile pentru software/ găzduire/ rețele;
  • Servicii de consultanță/analiză pentru identificarea soluțiilor tehnice de care au nevoie IMM-urile;
  • Achiziționarea de servicii de consultanță pentru elaborarea documentațiilor necesare pregătirii aplicației de proiect propusă spre finanțare și / sau managementul aplicației de proiect;
  • Cheltuieli de instruire a personalului responsabil cu utilizarea și mentenanța produselor implementate / achiziționate.

Pentru firmele specializate în IT care aduc o inovație, valoarea finanțării este cuprinsă între 1 si 6 milioane de Euro.

Cheltuieli eligibile pentru firmele din domeniul IT:

  • Cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de hardware TIC, dispozitive și echipamente aferente (inclusiv cheltuieli de instalare, configurare, punere în funcțiune), justificate din punct de vedere al implementării aplicației de proiect. Sunt excluse elemente de mobilier care nu au legătură cu funcționarea produselor/aplicațiilor informatice implementate prin aplicația de proiect;
  • Cheltuieli aferente realizării rețelei LAN necesară pentru implementarea aplicației de proiect;
  • Cheltuieli aferente achiziționării si/sau dezvoltării aplicațiilor software/licențelor necesare implementării aplicației de proiect, configurarea și implementarea bazelor de date, migrarea și integrarea diverselor structuri de date existente;
  • Cheltuieli aferente achiziționării/realizării unui website de prezentare a companiei;
  • Cheltuieli aferente închirierii unui nume de domeniu nou “.ro” direct de la furnizorul național de domenii “.ro”;
  • Cheltuieli aferente închirierii soluției de semnătură electronică;
  • Cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de aplicații informatice specifice pentru persoanele cu dizabilități;
  • Cheltuieli aferente achiziționării soluțiilor IT pentru comerțul electronic;
  • Cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de servicii de consultanță pentru elaborarea documentațiilor necesare pregătirii aplicației de proiect propusă spre finanțare și/sau managementul aplicației de proiect (inclusiv elaborarea documentațiilor necesare implementării aplicației de proiect);
  • Cheltuieli aferente instruirii personalului care va utiliza produsele implementate/ achiziționate și cel care va asigura mentenanța;
  • Cheltuieli de achiziție a serviciilor de auditare intermediară/finală, financiară (conform reglementărilor naționale în domeniul financiar-contabil) și tehnică (din perspectiva corespondenței rezultatului aplicației de proiect cu aplicația de finanțare și obiectivele POC).
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Artificial Intelligence Defeats Lockheed F-16 Pilot In Darpa’s Virtual Dogfight | Investor’s Business Daily

In a semifinal Thursday, Lockheed beat Physics AI. Heron defeated Aurora in the other semifinal and then took down Lockheed in the final. Heron scored five kills vs. zero for the human pilot.

The first round on Tuesday featured each team flying their algorithms vs. adversary AI algorithms. The teams then competed against each other in a round-robin style competition Wednesday.

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Farmers Could Soon Be Hedging Their Risks With Decentralized Weather Data

Farmers are likely the hardest hit by weather unpredictability. For many, severe weather conditions can lead to the loss of their livelihood, or even starvation. Although farmer insurance has been around for decades — if not centuries — according to Jha, it is unaffordable for the vast majority:

“If you had less than two hundred thousand dollars in premium to spend, you actually had no real access.”

Arbol blockchain infrastructure. Source: Arbol.

Jha claims that Arbol both lowers the entry barrier and makes hedging less expensive. With blockchain, settlements and payouts can be instant, whereas in the centralized world, participants may have to wait weeks, if not months. 

Farmers can hedge against various adverse weather conditions having a negative impact on their crops. They can buy a hedge — for example, if a temperature in their region reaches a critical level, which will trigger an automatic payout. By adding Chainlink’s oracalized weather data feeds, the company’s platform has become more decentralized and resilient. 

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Report: Huawei Riddled With ‘Long Term Security Risks’ – ExtremeTech

UK officials tasked with evaluating Huawei’s network security and overall suitability to be a leading 5G partner in its upcoming deployments have released a report on their findings. The UK and Huawei have an agreement in which Huawei’s compliance with security standards is monitored by the Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre (HCSEC). This organization is overseen by the HCSEC Oversight Board, who authored this most recent report. Their conclusions are quite negative — but they may also finally shed some light on why Huawei has been such a divisive topic over the past few years.

Warnings about Huawei’s security practices began during the Obama administration but ramped up after President Trump took office. What’s been missing from those reports, however, was any firm technical sense of why Huawei’s equipment and software were to be avoided. Did the equipment contain backdoors or other forms of spyware? One of the regular topics around the ExtremeTech water cooler has been the degree to which the government’s consistent-but-vague warnings reflected actual security concerns. In the interests of disclosure: I’ve tended to think the government probably did have reasons it wasn’t willing to publicly disclose. If the UK report reflects the US experience, there are definitely issues to be solved.

In its report, the HCSEC OB states that “Further significant technical issues have been identified in Huawei’s engineering processes, leading to new risks in the UK telecommunications networks” (emphasis original). It also states that Huawei has made no progress towards resolving any of the critical security issues identified in the previous year. As a result, the Oversight Board writes that it would be “inappropriate to change the level of assurance from last year or to make any comment on potential future levels of assurance.”

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Why AI researchers should reconsider protesting involvement in military projects – MIT Technology Review

AI expert who was involved in Project Maven, the DoD’s program to accelerate artificial intelligence and machine learning for military uses—said that “constructive engagement” with the armed forces was necessary to avoid bad decisions.

In June, Google said it would no longer work with Project Maven after more than 4,000 employees signed a letter that accused the company of being “in the business of war.”

But speaking at EmTech Digital, MIT Technology Review’s AI conference, McCord said that it would be better for society as a whole to see such collaborations continue, and for those dissenting employees involved in AI projects to reexamine their stance.  

“Most here today would agree that militaries and their role in deterrence, offense, and defense are a part of the world, and they will be for the foreseeable future,” he said. “A strategy of constructive engagement versus one of opting out is a far more optimal one.”

“Working on AI for defense does not make you less principled,” he added.

The secretive nature of Project Maven, which was said to be focused on improving analysis of footage captured by military drones, had caused concern across a wide group of AI researchers. But the US armed forces remain a “powerful force for promoting peace and stability in the world,” said McCord, reflecting arguments that AI researchers who reject the military on principle are actually handing the advantage to those with less rigorous ethical standards, including other nations.

While McCord said he would not expect “antiwar pacifists” to change their minds, he asked researchers to consider what would happen if other countries were making their own advances in emerging fields. A more positive attitude to the military was particularly important, he added, since governments now play a lesser role in the development of new technological discoveries than they once did.

“At the end of the Cold War the locus of innovation shifted to the private sector,” he said. “The world has changed. The capacity for government, and the role of government, has been diminished to a point where it’s never been so low in my view. The net effect is that big tech companies have assumed the mantle—whether they wanted to or not—of being the arbiters. They’re often self-regulating.”

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PlanetMobile company public update

The company is conducting contracts with telecom providers and makes appropriate adjustments to the logic of the system.

Information on the web site will be updated in the coming days. Also, our SIM cards will be offered to a selected group of users for testing.

Planet Mobile – Stay online always and everywhere!

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Nearly Half of So-Called ‘AI Firms’ in Europe Never Use Artificial Intelligence, VC Firm Says

London venture capital firm MMC Ventures has conducted a damning survey which revealed that 40% of “AI” firms in Europe don’t use AI at all, and are simply using the term to capitalize on the hype associated with the term. MMC examined 2,830 self-described AI startups throughout 13 EU countries. The VC firm found that 40% don’t use AI technology in a way material to their business, generally without even investing in artificial intelligence/machine learning technology at all.

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Spanish Car Manufacturer SEAT Joins Alastria Consortium to Develop Blockchain Products

Spanish automobile manufacturer SEAT has joined Alastria consortium to work on the development of blockchain-based products. Cointelegraph in Spanish reported the news Jan. 16.
Founded in 1950, SEAT is a state-owned industrial company and Spain’s largest car manufacturer. SEAT’s turnover reportedly reached a record figure of 9.552 billion euro ($10.878 billion) in 2017, which is 11.1% more than the year prior.
Per the recent announcement, SEAT joined Alastria, a multi-industry, semi-public consortium backed by a national network of more than 70 companies and establishments. These include such major players as banks BBVA and Banco Santander, telecommunications provider Telefónica, energy firm Repsol and professional services company Accenture. The goal of the alliance is to promote the advancement and development of blockchain technology.
As part of the collaboration, SEAT plans to test the benefits of blockchain in the field of finance, aiming to improve and optimize the existing processes and facilitate supply chain management.
SEAT president Luca de Meo reportedly said that the company is “convinced of the relevance that blockchain technology will have in the future.”
In the meantime, SEAT and Telefónica have already begun jointly working on a proof-of-concept of a blockchain product that will track vehicle parts throughout the supply chain of SEAT’s factory located in Martorell, Spain.
Last month, American car manufacturing giant General Motors (GM) filed a blockchain patent for a solution to manage data from autonomous vehicles.