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Top 8 statistici despre investițiile în activele fizice minerale, ardezie, studii de caz

  1. Investițiile în bunuri fizice de minerit au crescut în popularitate în ultimii ani, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 50 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  2. Canada este unul dintre principalii jucători pe piața investițiilor în bunuri fizice de minerit, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 20 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  3. Investițiile în metale precum aur, argint și platina sunt cele mai populare forme de investiții în bunuri fizice de minerit, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 35 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  4. Investițiile în proiecte de minerit de ardezie au crescut în popularitate în ultimii ani, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 5 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  5. Spania este unul dintre principalii jucători pe piața investițiilor în proiecte de minerit de ardezie, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 2 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  6. Ardezia este utilizată în principal în construcții și în industria ceramică și a sticlei, iar cererea pentru acest material a crescut în ultimii ani datorită creșterii sectorului imobiliar.
  7. Construcții – Ardezia este utilizată în mod frecvent în construcții datorită durabilității și rezistenței sale la schimbările climatice și la umiditate. Poate fi utilizată în acoperișuri, fațade și în diverse alte aplicații în construcții.
  8. Baze militare si terenuri de antrenament – Ardezia poate fi utilizată pentru a construi baze militare datorită rezistenței sale la schimbările climatice și la umiditate. Poate fi utilizată pentru a construi acoperișuri, fațade și pentru a acoperi solul în zonele de depozitare a echipamentelor și a mijloacelor de transport.
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Top 6 statistici despre investițiile în startup-uri

  1. Investițiile în start-up-uri au crescut semnificativ în ultimii ani, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 10 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  2. Statele Unite sunt lider în ceea ce privește investițiile în start-up-uri, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 5 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  3. Cea mai mare rundă de finanțare a unui start-up a fost realizată de către compania chineză Ant Group, care a atras capital de investiții în valoare de 34 miliarde de dolari.
  4. Sectorul tehnologiei este cel mai atractiv pentru investițiile în start-up-uri, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 4 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  5. Investițiile în start-up-uri pot fi realizate prin intermediul finanțării de risc, în care investitorii cumpără acțiuni într-o companie în schimbul unui procent din profitul acesteia.
  6. Alte forme de investiții în start-up-uri includ finanțarea prin obligațiuni, în care investitorii primesc un venit fix în schimbul investiției lor, și tokenizarea participațiilor, în care compania emite tokenuri care reprezintă o parte din proprietatea sa.
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Top 10 statistici despre Tokenizare în 2021

  1. Tokenizarea a crescut în popularitate în ultimii ani, cu un număr total de tokenuri emise care a depășit 8.000 în 2021.
  2. Valoarea totală a tokenurilor tranzacționate a depășit 1 trilion de dolari în 2021, cu o creștere de peste 300% față de anul anterior.
  3. Tokenizarea bunurilor imobiliare a devenit una dintre cele mai populare forme de tokenizare, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 4 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  4. Tokenizarea participațiilor în start-up-uri a devenit, de asemenea, populară, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 2 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  5. Tokenizarea operelor de artă a început să ia amploare, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 200 milioane de dolari în 2021. Aceasta reprezintă o oportunitate pentru investitori de a accesa o piață care a fost în trecut inaccesibilă pentru mulți dintre ei.
  6. Ethereum este cea mai populară platformă pentru tokenizare, cu peste 80% din tokenuri emise care sunt găzduite pe această rețea.
  7. Statele Unite sunt lider în ceea ce privește tokenizarea, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 600 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  8. Investițiile în tokenuri crescute au crescut semnificativ în ultimii ani, cu o valoare totală a tranzacțiilor de peste 10 miliarde de dolari în 2021.
  9. Unul dintre cele mai mari proiecte de tokenizare a fost vânzarea de tokenuri NFT (non-fungible tokens) a operei de artă digitală “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” de către artistul Beeple, care a atins o valoare de 69 milioane de dolari.
  10. Tokenizarea poate oferi mai multe avantaje, cum ar fi accesul la investiții mai diverse, tranzacționarea mai ușoară, democratizarea investițiilor, transparență și securitate crescută și eficientizarea proceselor. Cu toate acestea, trebuie luată în considerare și posibilitate
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Cele 5 avantaje principale ale Tokenizarii Activelor

Tokenizarea este o tehnologie care permite transformarea drepturilor sau bunurilor reale în tokenuri digitale care pot fi tranzacționate într-o rețea blockchain. Aceasta poate oferi mai multe avantaje, atât pentru investitori, cât și pentru întreprinderi.

  1. Acces la investiții mai diverse: Tokenizarea permite investitorilor să acceseze o gamă mai largă de investiții, inclusiv bunuri imobiliare, opere de artă sau chiar participarea în proiecte de start-up. Acest lucru le oferă oportunități de diversificare a portofoliului de investiții și poate reduce riscul de investiții.
  2. Tranzacționare mai ușoară: Tokenizarea face mai ușoară tranzacționarea bunurilor reale, deoarece permite transferul rapid și eficient al proprietății prin intermediul unei rețele blockchain. Acest lucru poate reduce costurile și timpul necesar pentru a finaliza tranzacțiile.
  3. Democratizarea investițiilor: Tokenizarea permite investitorilor cu sume mai mici să investească în bunuri care ar fi altfel prea costisitoare sau inaccesibile. De exemplu, prin tokenizarea unui imobil, investitorii pot cumpăra părți mai mici ale proprietății, în loc să fie nevoiți să investească sume mari de bani pentru a cumpăra întreaga proprietate.
  4. Transparență și securitate crescută: Tokenizarea utilizând blockchain-ul poate crește transparența și securitatea tranzacțiilor, deoarece toate schimbările în proprietate sunt înregistrate într-un registru public și imutabil.
  5. Eficientizarea proceselor: Tokenizarea poate eficientiza procesele interne ale unei întreprinderi, eliminând nevoia de a depozita documente fizice sau de a face față proceselor de aprobare manuale.
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Assets Tokenization has the potential to revolutionize the way that assets are bought and sold

Asset tokenization is the process of representing a real-world asset, such as a piece of property or a financial instrument, in the form of a digital token on a blockchain. This allows the asset to be traded, sold, and transferred more easily and securely, as well as opening up new investment opportunities for individuals and organizations.

Tokenization has the potential to revolutionize the way that assets are bought and sold, making it possible for individuals to own and trade fractions of valuable assets that were previously out of reach. For example, someone who couldn’t afford to buy a whole piece of property might be able to invest in a token that represents a share of that property.

The process of tokenization typically involves creating a digital representation of the asset, known as a token, on a blockchain. This token can then be bought and sold on a digital exchange, allowing investors to easily trade the asset without the need for intermediaries such as brokers or banks.

Tokenization offers several benefits over traditional methods of buying and selling assets. First and foremost, it allows for more efficient and secure transactions. Because the tokens are stored on a blockchain, they are protected by the security and immutability of the underlying technology. This makes it much harder for tokens to be stolen or counterfeited, ensuring that investors can have confidence in the value of their assets.

Another key benefit of tokenization is that it allows for the creation of new investment opportunities. By enabling the creation of smaller, more easily tradable units of value, tokenization opens up the possibility of investing in assets that were previously only accessible to large institutions or wealthy individuals. This could include everything from high-end real estate to fine art, providing a way for a wider range of investors to gain exposure to these assets.

Additionally, tokenization has the potential to improve liquidity in certain markets. Because tokens can be traded easily and quickly on digital exchanges, they can make it easier for investors to buy and sell assets, potentially leading to more active and efficient markets.

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Are tokenized assets the securities of tomorrow? How securities can be tokenized

Tokenized securities can offer new benefits

Tokenized securities provide a new wrapper for known assets to expand markets and improve liquidity. For regulators, this is less a new product than a new distribution channel that is easier to approve.

Companies, investment banks, asset managers, funds, stock exchanges and investment platforms are already benefiting from the possibilities offered by tokenization. The benefits are many: faster processes through digitization, reduced costs and more efficient intermediaries, and global portability. Be one of the pioneers in your industry and take advantage of it today!

Tokenization also has the potential to transform markets, open investment to a wider range of global investors, and foster innovation in new products. It is because of their digital nature that security tokens can represent not only ownership of traditional assets such as publicly traded stocks or bonds, but also traditionally illiquid assets such as private placements, real estate or art.

Securities can be tokenized

Keep in mind that some decentralized exchanges do not trade tokenized stocks. Instead, they trade in something called a “synthetic asset” or “synthesizer.” These are tokens designed to mirror the performance of other assets. But they are not directly related to actual stocks like token stocks.

Another problem is lack of liquidity. Liquidators only guarantee that they will buy the asset if they get a good price and can resell the tokenized asset on the secondary market. In crypto markets, these liquidations can be fully automated. There are still no trading venues that provide sufficient liquidity for digital securities.

In recent years, financial institutions have devoted significant resources to technology projects aimed at turning securities into tokenized assets. A tokenized asset is a digital representation of value or ownership.

Tokenized securities are not legal securities

The SEC claims that all tokenized securities must be registered. Tokenized shares issued without registration are considered illegal. In the past, the agency has taken legal action against Paragon and AirFox tokens for noncompliance.

The bottom line is this: while there may still be some legal grey areas in cryptocurrency regulation in general, this is not the case for tokenized stocks. According to the SEC, these tokens should be regulated like regular stocks. Exchanges that offer trading services for these tokens will likely be subject to the same regulations as traditional broker-dealers.

Tokens issued by companies in lieu of shares have the same properties and functions and are therefore securities. This means they must comply with registration and submission requirements. This has led to a Security Token Offering (STO), which is more or less the same as an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), with the additional caveat that the entity issuing the token acknowledges that the token represents equity, and therefore securities.

Consider tokenization when evaluating a business opportunity.

The first thing you need to do is decide what you want to tag. It is best to choose an asset that already has a significant market because you know the price range and can price the coin correctly. If your property is not very popular and it is difficult to appraise it yourself, consider requesting an appraisal from an accounting firm.
In the traditional financial world, investment barriers can be very high. Think about the amount of investment required to buy a property or art. Through tokenization, we can lower the minimum investment threshold, allowing even small retail investors to diversify their portfolios and gain access to exclusive markets that were previously only available to large investors and far beyond their reach.
The answer to “Is tokenization the future” depends largely on the question of trust. Trust issues are common in tokenization. It is important to note that the creator of the token cannot act as a regulated financial institution. As such, the security of an asset is unlikely to be documented, limiting its effectiveness in court.
Tokenize assets by issuing digital tokens.
If you want to know how to tokenize assets, you first need to understand the role of smart contracts in converting real assets into digital assets. Digital tokens backed by underlying assets are managed and executed using smart contracts. The terms of the agreement between the parties are inserted into lines of code that already exist on the blockchain network, making the smart contract a self-enforcing and self-enforcing contract.
One of the biggest doubts surrounding you right now has to be the definition of asset tokenization. Asset tokenization is basically the process of representing real tradable assets on a blockchain network as tokens. This type of token, also known as a “security token,” is generated through a security token offering or STO (a variation of an initial coin offering). Security tokens can represent financial instruments, tangible assets and intellectual property.
Our goal is to provide a tool to create new pathways and flows in the marketplace by using tokenization as a bridge between real assets and digital business opportunities. We have powerful technology and streamlined processes, so our clients don’t have to worry about how transactions work or the security of transactions, they only need to think about earning passive profits and real performance associated with tokens – Digitization and Tokenization of World Wealth .

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Blockchain fundamentals and why it‘s disruptive for all industries

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a method of storing data that makes it difficult or impossible to update, hack, or defraud the system. A blockchain is simply a digital ledger of transactions that is replicated and distributed across the blockchain’s complete network of computer systems.

A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

Blockchain technology is a decentralized, distributed ledger that stores the record of ownership of digital assets. Any data stored on blockchain is unable to be modified, making the technology a legitimate disruptor for industries like payments, cybersecurity and healthcare. Discover more on what it is, how it’s used and its history.

What are the benefits of blockchain technology?

Blockchains solutions with their decentralized approach can leverage smart contracts and enable members of the system to contract service outcomes and automate contract conclusion. A new member can signal her genuineness and participate in market transactions without incurring information asymmetry. For voting systems, blockchain technology can digitalize it, decrease voter tampering, and possibly improve voter participation. Furthermore, blockchain solutions offer numerous opportunities in the healthcare industry, such as sharing patient data among clinics and research institutes. Blockchain technology can address current concerns regarding security by leveraging cryptography, decentralization, and consensus mechanisms. With an universal exchangeable format, healthcare professionals and institutions can easily access sensitive data without putting it at risk.

A blockchain could serve as a public ledger for a massive number of devices, which would no longer need a central hub to mediate communication between them. The devices would be able to communicate with one another autonomously to manage software updates, bugs, or energy management. It can provide secure transactions, reduce compliance costs, and speed up data transfer processing. Blockchain technology can help contract management and audit the origin of a product.

How can blockchain be used in industry?

Blockchain isn’t only used for financial transactions. Due to its secure and transparent nature, the technology is versatile to needs beyond one area of expertise. Industries covering energy, logistics, education and more are utilizing the benefits of blockchain every day.

As companies use blockchain to drive greater transparency and veracity across the digital information ecosystem, they’re boosting awareness of the technology in sectors ranging from infrastructure to public policy. Blockchain technology has been used brilliantly in the banking industry. Financial institutions were unable to handle the additional demand following demonetization, stressing the necessity for a centralized specialist to handle financial transactions.

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Finanțare PNRR: Ghidul pentru Digitalizarea IMMurilor, lansat spre consultare publică

Beneficiari eligibil: întreprinderi, societăți reglementate de Legea societăților nr. 31/1990, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, care se încadrează în categoria de IMM și au sediul social în România.

Activitățile sprijinite în cadrul investiției/operațiunii:

  • achiziții de hardware TIC;
  • achiziții de echipamente pentru automatizări și robotică destinate fluxurilor tehnologice, integrate cu soluții digitale;
  • dezvoltarea și/sau adaptarea aplicațiilor software/licențelor, inclusiv soluțiile de automatizare software de tip RPA, respectiv Robotic Process Automation;
  • achiziții de tehnologii blockchain;
  • achiziții de sisteme de inteligență artificială, machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality;
  • achiziționare website de prezentare;
  • achiziția de servicii de tip cloud și IoT;
  • instruirea personalului care va utiliza echipamentele TIC;
  • consultanță/analiză pentru identificarea soluțiilor tehnice de care au nevoie IMM-urile etc.

Buget apel: alocarea pentru acest apel, corespunzătoare secțiunii deschise este de 347,5 milioane euro.

Categorii de cheltuieli eligibile în cadrul acestui apel de proiecte, sunt:

  1. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de servicii de consultanță pentru elaborarea proiectului;
  2. cheltuieli pentru managementul proiectului;
  3. cheltuieli cu servicii de consultanta/analiza pentru identificarea soluțiilor tehnice de care are nevoie IMM-ul, cu condiția ca soluțiile tehnice identificate și descrise în documentația tehnică realizată, să facă obiectul investițiilor din cadrul proiectului aferent cererii de finanțare;
  4. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de hardware TIC,  de echipamente pentru automatizări și robotică integrate cu soluții digitale și a altor dispozitive și echipamente aferente, inclusiv pentru E-commerce, IoT (Internet of Things), tehnologii blockchain etc., precum și cheltuieli de instalare, configurare și punere in funcțiune;
  5. cheltuieli aferente realizării rețelei LAN/WiFi;
  6. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării și/sau dezvoltării și/sau adaptării aplicațiilor/licențelor software, cheltuieli pentru configurarea și implementarea bazelor de date, migrarea și integrarea diverselor structuri de date existente, pentru gestiune financiară, gestiunea furnizorilor, resurse umane, logistică, cheltuieli pentru implementarea RPA (Robotic Process Automation), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Mangement), pentru sisteme IoT (Internet of Things) și AI (Artificial Intelligence), tehnologii blockchain, soluții E-Commerce etc. și  integrarea acestora in BTP (Business Technology Platform), acolo unde este cazul;
  7. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării unui website de prezentare a companiei;
  8. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării/închirierii pe perioada de implementare și durabilitate a proiectului, a unui nume de domeniu nou;
  9. cheltuieli cu servicii de trecere a arhivelor din analog/dosare/hârtie în digital indexabil;
  10. cheltuieli aferente achizițiilor de servicii de tip Cloud Computing pe perioada de implementare și durabilitate a proiectului;
  11. cheltuieli aferente achiziționării de servicii pentru consolidarea securitatii cibernetice aplicabile pentru software/găzduire/rețele, pe perioada de implementare și durabilitate a proiectului;
  12. cheltuieli cu serviciile de auditare tehnică (IT și DNSH);
  13. cheltuieli cu instruirea personalului care va utiliza echipamentele TIC (cheltuială obligatorie în procent de maxim 10% din valoarea finanțată).

Pentru detalii ne puteți contacta completând formularul de aici. 

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Bitcoin blockchain cost problem analysis, Ethereum comparison numbers breakdown on fundamentals

It cost BTC holders an annualized run rate of $17B to run the bitcoin blockchain. Ethereum costs a lot, too, but the cost goes away by switching to proof of stake this year. Hence, bitcoin’s cost problem is big for BTC holders. Here’s why:

BTC may enjoy a compelling narrative as a store of value, however, BTC runs at a permanent net loss, in part because transaction fees are paid to miners, not to BTC holders. Yesterday, it cost BTC holders $45M to run the bitcoin blockchain. Today, ethereum runs on a net loss because, like bitcoin, ethereum’s transaction fees are paid to miners, and proof of work is expensive in general. Later this year, ethereum is stopping mining forever and switching to proof of stake. Ethereum’s switch from mining to proof of stake creates cost savings and increased economic security. As a result, ethereum will generate massive cash flow for ETH holders, especially as eth’s app ecosystem grows.

Is it possible that, in the future, bitcoin could generate massive cash flow for BTC holders? imo, it’s not possible. I don’t think that bitcoin has any chance of generating cash flow for BTC holders without major architectural changes to bitcoin. For starters, cash flow comes from revenue, and BTC’s revenue potential is severely limited because bitcoin doesn’t support smart contracts. Bitcoin wasn’t designed to be an app platform. That’s why yesterday, eth’s fees were 6x bitcoin’s fees after normalizing by market cap.

BTC’s scheduled halvenings might seem like a solution to the cost problem. After all, halvenings reduce inflation, and the cost problem is related to inflation. But, half of a $20B per year problem is still a $10B per year problem. To dig into halvenings a bit further, consider that the next bitcoin halvening is in ~3 years. If, as BTC holders hope, the price of BTC at that point is $200k+, it’ll still cost BTC holders $90M+ per day to run the bitcoin blockchain after that next halvening.

With this context out of the way, let’s explore exactly why bitcoin’s cost problem is real:

BTC holders are on track to pay ~$17B this year to run the bitcoin blockchain. On average, that’s ~$17B of real hardware and electricity expenses. To get a sense of the size of bitcoin’s cost problem, when we say that “yesterday, it cost BTC holders $45M to run the bitcoin blockchain”, what we mean is that yesterday, somebody had to buy ~$45M of BTC before anyone sold any BTC, just for the price of BTC to stay flat. To make matters trickier for BTC holders, most or all of bitcoin’s credible competitors, especially ethereum, don’t or soon won’t use mining and don’t have this cost. Every day, BTC holders must pay $45M to keep BTC flat. With PoS, ETH holders must pay ~$0 to keep ETH flat.

After eth switches to proof of stake, imo, the ETH/BTC price will go up by default every day. It’s because if BTC costs $45M to stay flat, and ETH costs ~$0 to stay flat, then all other things equal, there is BTC sell pressure, pushing BTC down, and increasing ETH/BTC. I think that the ETH/BTC price may go up a lot every day. $45M per day of BTC sell pressure might appear to be inconsequential, yet if you’re selling $45M of BTC per day 365 days a year, it seems like it’s going to decrease BTC’s market cap by a lot more than $45M per day.

In short, here’s why I think bitcoin’s cost problem is real and urgent for BTC holders:

BTC cost problem #1:

With the cost savings of proof of stake, ETH’s market cap may get closer to BTC’s market cap at a fast rate, representing a risk (from the perspective of BTC holders) of ETH flipping BTC and, imo, an associated loss of confidence in BTC.

BTC cost problem #2:

Regardless of bitcoin’s competitors, it costs a huge amount of money just to keep the price of BTC flat. Somebody has to buy $45M of BTC every day just for BTC to stay flat. If they skip a day, BTC’s market cap seems to go down by a lot more than $45M. Can bitcoin’s cost problem be solved? Yes, but as far as we seem to know, only if the bitcoin community was open to switching to proof of stake or another big architectural change. Instead, they seem committed to never changing the bitcoin protocol.

To be fair, the bitcoin community seems to love that their protocol never changes. And that their proof of work mining is simpler and relies on fewer assumptions than proof of stake. That might be ok, except that bitcoin’s cost problem is real. Personally, I’m not bullish on the bitcoin community solving the cost problem on a reasonable timeline. I want to own crypto assets that may credibly 10x in price. If BTC were at $500k, it would cost BTC holders $450M per day to keep BTC flat. For that reason, I own no BTC. – Ryan Berkmans


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Best Assets to Tokenise on blockchain, best marketing strategies for Assets Tokenisation

There are a number of assets that could be tokenized on the blockchain.

Nonetheless, many corporations are eager to participate in this lucrative market, and billions of dollars in assets have already been “tokenized”. We appear to be only scraping the surface of what might become one of the decade’s most important enterprises. Furthermore, trillions of dollars in real-world assets can be tokenized, and there aren’t many reasons not to do so if clear regulatory requirements are in place.

Effectively, any valuable asset (tangible or not; real or financial instrument) can be tokenized. The resulting digital asset can be considered a coin (or cryptocurrency, which serves as mediums of payment) or a token (digital representation of a tradable asset or utility).

Since investors will be acquiring tokens representing a proportional part of a given asset, they can interact with these tokens by acquiring more from other token owners or selling them to third parties. We are using ERC20 tokens which allow the investors to withdraw their tokens from the platform, and store them in their personal wallets, or use them to interact in other platforms or markets. Our goal is to provide endless possibilities to our investors, so please review the “Blockchain technology and asset tokenization” section to learn about technology and the ERC20 token.

Assets can be monetized through marketing strategies.

Asset tokenization can create new business and social models, such as share ownership of the property itself or of the rights belonging to it. For example, different people owning tokens of a house located on the beach, can now decide when a token owner can go and stay in said house. This is a disruption in the business model, since several people own the same house, or the rights associated with it. Therefore, they can establish when they can use it for themselves or make a profit if they decide to rent the house at times when no token owner is using it, or because they have simply decided that it is better to have a return by renting the house in a continuous way. This example also serves as an example as to how it creates a new social model since one same asset is shared by various individuals who might not share any connection between them except owning tokens of the same house. We are used to owning something only by ourselves, and we must pay for it in its entirety. With asset tokenization a shared economy is built, where just by owning a part, we can still enjoy benefits that a full ownership can provide such as the possibility of using the assets or obtaining profits that come from them.

Asset tokenization of real estate assets is very much alike to taking a private business public. An investor can acquire tokens of a property and become an owner of the tokenized property in the proportion of tokens acquired from all the tokens available. By acquiring these tokens, the investor will have a right to the property’s profits, which will then be distributed to all token owners on a pro-rata basis. For instance, if you own 1% of a tokenized property, you will receive 1% of the property’s profits on a periodic basis.

In its purest definition, an asset is a valuable resource owned by someone or something which represents a good (e.g., land, patent) or contractual agreement (e.g., financial instruments, such as cash, stocks, equity, bonds or derivatives), and which can be used as means of exchange or investment.

Assets can be traded on secondary markets.

How will assets be traded in secondary markets? To ensure the trading of security tokens only on regulated marketplaces, a set of regulations is needed. We are looking at procedures to guide ownership, private valuations, AML/KYC, investors, etc. Also, these requirements can significantly vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

The situation of the art market is a good entry point into the issue of investing in and exchanging of non-bankable assets. Art collections are notoriously illiquid and the sale of a work of art on the market is generally 100% (although there are cases of shared ownership collections). Associating a piece of art with securities or tokens (e.g. issuing tokens at 0.01% of the artwork value) makes it possible to reduce the investment ticket at will. Importantly, small ticket size is a sine qua non condition for the emergence of a liquid market for collectors and investors that does not require the sale of the entire asset. The different solutions available to the market participants are then:

Businesses can find a listing on Securitize Markets, following the issuance process. The Securitize Markets give you a primary marketplace as well as the flexibility for secondary trading. Investors could easily purchase and sell newly generated digital securities. Most important of all, Securitize is easily the most popular asset tokenization platform with the accreditation of SEC and FINRA.